Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Sounds of Bedtime

Bedtime at the Scott house is not exactly bedtime. I try get the kids in bed by 7:00, which is no real problem for Asa. He's the easiest one to get to sleep - just put him in the crib, and he's off to la-la land! Easy enough! Now the girls are another story altogether. On a typical night, we get them in their room around 7:00. First, we brush teeth, then we read together, then it's time for prayers, hugs & kisses, tucking in and LIGHTS OUT!! That's when the drama begins...

Brynn loves to climb all over the crib and sit up on top of the rails. If she's not on her pillow, she's perched like a bird on the railing! It's quite a sight to see! Avery is constantly getting up to inform us that "Brynn's out of the bed!" or "Brynn turned on the light!" Brynn gets out of bed incessantly, crying "Avee's hits me!" or asking "I'nna get in Avee's bed!" Sometimes we let them get in Avery's bed together for a while, which can be good or bad. On many nights, they'll sing or play school, but often they nearly drive each other crazy (at which point Brynn has to go back to her crib, and she pitches a fit!) Sometimes (like in photo below, taken last night) Brynn will sneak back into Avery's bed, but we won't discover it until we check on them right before we go to sleep. They will both be snuggled up together fast asleep. So sweet!

The other night, Avery sneaked out of bed after Brynn was already asleep, and we found her under a dining room chair just hanging out listening and watching us in the bedroom. Glad we weren't DOING anything!

All of this to say, on a typical night at bedtime, our house is filled with a conglomeration of the sounds of praying, reading, singing, tattling, crying, laughing, talking, teaching, whining, fighting, and loving. At some point each night (maybe by 9:00), they all 3 are visited by the sandman, and then there is peace and quiet!

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