Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Fall Festival Fun!!

One of the highlights of the fall season is the Fall Festival at church. This year, Avery decided that she wanted to be Little Bo Peep, and she wanted Asa to be her sheep. I was pretty impressed with this cute idea, so I went with it. I had a friend of mine, Wanda Hulett, who is a fabulous seamstress, make the girls' Bo Peep dresses, and I ordered Asa's lamb costume from E-bay. Avery and Brynn loved wearing their matching dresses with the pantaloons and carrying around their staffs. (I ended up having to confiscate those because they ended up being used as weapons to hit each other over the head with!) Asa was adorable as the lamb, and he turned quite a few heads as he toddled around! We decided to go to the Fall Festivals at both Ingleside and Mabel White this year (one on Wednesday, and one on Friday) = double the fun!! Here are some of my favorite pictures - better late than never!

All dressed up and ready to go....

The cutest sheep EVER!!!

The girls loved playing together on the giant slides and moonwalks.
Avery and Brynn both rode the ponies (a first for Brynn).

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