Saturday, April 18, 2009

A "Tutu"rrific Birthday Party!

We had Avery and Brynn's ballet party today, and it was so much fun! The weather was absolutely beautiful for a party, and the girls had such a great time. They all were adorable dressed up in their tutus, and they had fun doing "Babydance" and dancing with 2 REAL ballerinas. The pictures pretty much tell it all....
Happy Birthday!!!
Mommy & Daddy with the Birthday Girls!
Grandma Shirley and PaPa
Grandmommy & Grandpapa
Let's do first position....
Scarf Dance!
Look! It's a flower!!
Even Asa is having a good time with all these girls!
Ballerinas, Kayla and Catherine came and taught the girls a dance.
Showing off what they learned...
All of the girls
Beautiful cake by Cory Knowlton!
Brynn! Get your fingers off the cake!!!
Make a wish!

Opening presents with Nonna
AWWW! Is it over already?


HappyascanB said...

What a precious birthday party! the cakes are too much! I hope I can remember great ideas like this when we have kiddos!!!

How sweet it is said...

awww...that was tutu youngest is turning 2 in a few months and her theme will be tutus and tiara...and I will try to do a lot of it myself...please feel free to follow the adventure!