Thursday, October 29, 2009

More of Brynn's Mishief

Things got a little too quiet around here this morning while I was working on the laundry. I went into the kitchen and there was sugar all over the floor.

Me: "Brynn Scott, come here!"
Brynn: (not even in the room yet) "Asa did it; Asa did it."
Me: "Brynn, who got sugar all over the floor?"
Brynn: "Asa did it all by himself."
Me: "He climbed up on the counter and got the sugar bowl down and then made this mess all by himself? I don't think I believe that!"
Brynn: (with such an innocent, wide eyed look) "Yes, Mommy, he did it all by himself."
Me: (with broom in hand) "Well, you see, it's easy to clean up messes like this. What if I tell you that you will NOT get a spanking for making THIS mess, but that you just need to tell me the truth."
Brynn: "Okay, I made that mess."

Unfortunately, she didn't realize that instead she would be punished for lying to me! When I told my dad, he said that she needed to take legal advice from never commit a felony to avoid a misdemeanor. In other words, don't LIE to avoid a spanking!

Oh, about 30 minutes later, I realized that Asa had sugar all in his hair. I guess he got a little sugar shower from his sister....could life be any more fun than that?!

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