Saturday, November 28, 2009

What are you REALLY thankful for?

It was the night before Thanksgiving, and I was trying unsuccessfully to go to sleep. As I lay there, I was thinking about all that I have to thank God for this year. The regular list went through my head...things that I always am thankful Savior, my husband, my children, my family, my health. When asked what I am most thankful for, these are always at the top of my list, as I'm sure they are yours. But on this particular night, I asked myself, "Other than those that are a given, what else am I thankful for?" Some things like coffee or an occasional pedicure came to mind, but I considered that I could live the rest of my life without having my toes done and be just fine! I could completely give up coffee if I had to. SOOOO, that left me pondering what am I thankful for, other than my list of givens? I mean, what things other than God, family and my health, could I literally not live without? What things, if taken from me, would leave me absolutely lost? When you take God and family out of the picture, the task is not so easy! But here’s my list (or at least what I thought of before finally falling asleep!)

1. My Accountability Group – This group of women has become more than just a Bible Study group to me. I am so thankful for the relationships that I share with each of these ladies, whether they have been involved for 9 years or for just a few months. I love that I have a place that I can feel completely safe and loved despite my faults. I love that I can be totally honest with my struggles and can count on these women to encourage me and pray for me.

2. Music – A world without music would just be plain awful!! I can’t even begin to tell you the way music touches my heart! I can hear a song that I love and I’m just completely caught up in it. I absolutely LOVE a beautiful melody, or the sound of a choir or group harmonizing, or amazing lyrics. I can get LOST totally in music, and I am so thankful that it is a part of my world!

3. My Camera – Sometimes I feel like I view the world behind the lens of my camera, but I wouldn’t change it for anything. I absolutely LOVE going back and looking at my pictures, and my hobbies of scrapbooking, blogging, and creating photo books are all possible because I take so many pictures. I would love to actually be GOOD at it one day and take a photography class or something. But, having a great camera makes up for my lack of experience, and I am so thankful for mine!

4. Sleeping - I can't tell you how thankful I am for SLEEP! Whether it's a nap or getting to sleep for hours at night, sleep is something I absolutely LOVE.

5. Carbs - Some people love chocolate or sweets or caffiene....but I love CARBS. I'd rather have french fries than chocolate any day! I honestly don't think I could ever go on one of those low carb or no carb diets. I would not be able to last a day!

6. Summer - I used to think spring was my favorite season, and it is the PRETTIEST, in my opinion, but if I could only have one season, I'd pick summer. I love the beach, the pool, time off from work, spending time with family. There are so many special memories that I connect to summer.

7. My minivan - If you know me well, you know that I waited a long time for God to answer that prayer, and boy do I love my van! It's the perfect car for us during this stage of life, and I am so thankful that I finally got it. No more leaning over to put the kids in a sedan. I don't know how I ever lived without it!

So, what are YOU really thankful for? If you take out the "givens" what makes your life great? I'd love for you to leave a comment.


The Culbertsons said...

What a great post Julie! You made me think and here are some of mine:

1. Sleep! With two small children I am so glad of the sleep I get and the sleep they get. I love when they both take long naps and either get to take a nap or have some down time.

2. Books. I love to read and could not imagine my life without books in it.

3. Freedom. This is something I take for granted so often, but the Lord has convicted me of lately. Two of the best freedoms for me are the freedom of worship, something so many Christians around the world don't have, and the freedom of speech. I can critize my gov't and not be punished for it - what a wonderful right!

Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Dianna Culbertson

Jenna Hodgins said...

Very thought provoking. I agree that when you take out the obvious (God, health, family) it takes thankfulness to a deeper level. Here are a few I came up with.
1. Our adoption journey. It has changed me, it has changed our marriage, and it has changed our family on several levels, all for the better.
2. Our enclosed garage. Ahh, the bliss and luxury of loading and unloading groceries and kids-even in the pouring rain- and staying perfectly dry!
3. Rainy weekends cuddled on the sofa under a blanket with the family watching a movie together. That's the definition of pure contentment!
Thanks for starting the discussion, it is good to be thankful!