Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I Thought BOYS Loved Their MOMMA's!!

That's what everyone told me when I found out that I was having a son!! "Oh, boys just LOVE their Momma's!" Well, what's wrong with mine? I say that with a smile on my face because while I wish Asa would just want to crawl up in my arms and love on me all the time, it melts my heart to see who my "replacement" is -- Bryan. Boy, does Asa just adore his Daddy! In the mornings, when I go to get him up, he can hardly wait to get out of my arms and run to his Daddy. Bryan will pick him up, and he will put his head on his Daddy's shoulder and stay there for as long as Bryan will hold him. It really is a sweet relationship. Who knows, maybe my day will come, as it did with the girls (all of our kids preferred Daddy as babies), but until then I'll just enjoy watching my man and his little boy!

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