Thursday, February 5, 2009

This is NOT Funny!!!

Last Monday, when we were at my in-laws, Brynn went missing. When I found her, she was in the bathroom looking over the potty after flushing SOMETHING down. I saw Shirley's toothbrush in there and fished it out, and then noticed that the entire toilet paper roll had apparently been dunked as well. I wasn't sure exactly what all she flushed, but I knew in my gut that this was NOT good. The potty wouldn't flush right, so I had to get the plunger to unclog it. I told Shirley to be on the lookout in case it overflowed. This is the email I got from her today...
She wrote, "Guess what! The commode finally overflowed this morning. Al is calling the plumber today. I was trying to get dressed for work when I flushed it -- only had my coffee cup to try to stop the overflow by dipping water! Most water I think went downstairs. My toothpaste tube is missing so it probably is the main trouble. This may be a "blip" to record in your memory book of Brynn. It will be a good laugh!"
Only I am NOT laughing!!

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