Friday, January 30, 2009

Taking a Plunge

Bryan was keeping the kids this afternoon, and look what a mess Brynn got into this time!! Apparently, she started by using the plunger and splashing the toilet water all over the bathroom. At that point, Avery came and told on her. Before Bryan could get himself in there, Brynn had already stripped down naked. I guess she didn't want to get potty water on her outfit? No, it seems that a plunger on your tummy is quite HILARIOUS to a 2 year old. Instead of telling her to stop IMMEDIATELY, in typical fashion for us, Bryan went and got the camera. Next, Brynn thought it might be fun to plunge HERSELF inside the potty, so in she went! The camera battery died before Daddy fully captured that shot. Then to top it all off, she tried to dry off with her bed comforter! I swear she doesn't get this from me!!

1 comment:

HappyascanB said...

Precious! Brynn cracks me up!