Friday, August 14, 2009

Back to School Week

This week has been a busy and exciting week for all 3 kids! First, Brynn went back to school on Monday. She is in the Fantastic Fish 3K Class at Ingleside with Mrs. Chrissy and Mrs. Kimberly. She was very excited about being the first one in the family to start school, but when she realized that I was leaving her, she started to get upset. It only lasted for a minute, and then she was busy doing puzzles with her friends.

Asa was the second one in the family to start back. He is in Mother's Morning Out at Ingleside, and he started on Wednesday. His teachers are Mrs. Dianne and Mrs. Amber. Asa had Amber last year and loved her, so being left was not too traumatic for him, since she was right there to love on him. It makes it so much easier to leave them when you know someone is loving on them!
Avery's first day of Kindergarten was on Thursday. She is going to Tattnall, which is very special to our hearts since Bryan and I both went there, and Grandmommy works there. She had Orientation on Wednesday, but her first official day was Thursday. Her teacher is Mrs. Kitchens, who she already knew from church, and Mrs. Parrish. She was absolutely ecstatic about hesitations whatsoever. She enjoyed her first day a lot and couldn't wait to go back today! I can't believe my baby is in Kindergarten. Time sure does fly! I guess I better hold on to them as long as I can!
Orientation Day - Avery and Grandmommy enjoyed finding her name on the new student bulletin board!

1 comment:

HappyascanB said...

Great pics of precious kids and their teachers!