Thursday, September 10, 2009

It's OK, Daddy's Here!

One night last weekend, when we were in St. Simons for the holiday weekend, Asa had a rough night. He woke up several times, standing up in his pack-n-play until someone came and stood by his crib and calmed him down. At some point during the night, (I don't even remember what time), he did the same drill, and Bryan got up. Asa was sleeping at the foot of our bed, so I just saw Bryan standing there, and Asa had laid back down. I quickly glanced at the clock and fell back asleep. I woke up 30 minutes later to see Bryan STILL standing there over Asa's bed. It got me thinking....there Asa was, trying to fall back asleep, but he wasn't at peace unless he knew his Daddy was right there. He might close his eyes for a few minutes, but then he'd rouse himself and look up just to make sure his Daddy was still there (because he knows that his Daddy will eventually go back to bed). I wondered how long this would last? Would Bryan ever get to go back to sleep. Then another thought occurred to me....the Bible says that God never slumbers or sleeps. How AWESOME is that? Asa would've been completely secure if he knew his Daddy could stay up and watch over HIM all night, but Bryan's human...and he can't. But GOD can! He never ceases to watch over HIS children, and when we are scared, confused, worried or anxious, we can always look up in our Daddy's eyes. He will surely be there saying to us, "It's OK, your Daddy's here." I am so glad for that! Kind of a deep thought for the middle of the night, huh?

1 comment:

HappyascanB said...

What a beautiful picture of our Father's love for us. How precious that Asa knows his earthly daddy's presence and knows that is a calming presence.