Sunday, May 9, 2010

I'm FIRING the Tooth Fairy!

Bryan pulled Avery's 2nd tooth yesterday, and once again, the Tooth Fairy called and told Avery she'd be dropping by. Well.....this morning, Avery walked into my room with this downcast look on her face.
Me: What's wrong, baby?
Avery: (Holds out her tooth) She didn't leave me ANYTHING!
Me: (Panicking) Oh no, sweetheart, she must've been sooooo busy last night with all the children who lost teeth. Maybe she'll come tomorrow.
Avery: But she SAID she was going to come last night! (She's now about to cry, and it's KILLING me!)
Me: (desperate at this point!) Why don't you run get your milk out of the fridge, and then I'll go help you look around your room. (Avery leaves....Mommy improvises.....QUICK!) I go back to Avery's room.
Me: Avery, lets look and see if she left a note explaining why she didn't leave you anything. You know sometimes, she will let you keep your TOOTH, but she'll leave you a note nearby with your money in it. (AMAZINGLY, there is a folded note right beside the bed).
Avery: What's this? She opens it up and finds a golden dollar and reads the note that explains, "You can KEEP this tooth!"
Mystery solved; Avery is thrilled! It's a good thing because I was about ready to FIRE the Tooth Fairy! Whew....that was a CLOSE one!

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