Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day Memories

Today was a great Mother's Day! In the words of Avery, yesterday was the "pretend Mother's Day, and today was the real Mother's Day!" She couldn't wait to give me her gift yesterday - a clay bird's nest with eggs that she made at school and a sweet card. Brynn gave me a beautiful flower picture with her handprints as the petal and her face as the center of the flower. I enjoyed a day out with my mom yesterday - lunch at Panera Bread and a pedicure. I later explained to Avery that even when she grows up, I will still like to have "dates" with her, Brynn and Asa. You're never too old for dates with Mom! Last night, we had Shirley and Al and Mom and Papa over for Mother's Day Dinner. Then today, I enjoyed a wonderful Mother's Day at church, and then I took the girls to Nonna and Granddad's pool for a swim, where we gave Nonna her Mother's Day gift. Am I blessed or what? I have 3 moms right here in town!! It was a relaxing and enjoyable afternoon, and just now as I put Asa to bed, I got the icing on the cake! I read to him and rocked him, sang him his favorite songs and got lots of kisses; then I put him in his crib. I said, "Goodnight, buddy, I love you!" and then he said, "I dub oooo" (I love you). I'm still a puddle even as I write this. What a sweet gift from my little man on Mother's Day! I feel blessed beyond measure to be the Mommy of these 3 great kids!

1 comment:

HappyascanB said...

How very sweet! Love the gifts and words from each of your children!! Hope it was spectacular!