Tuesday, July 14, 2009

More "God Talk"

A few nights ago, when we were in St. Simons, Brynn and I were lying in the bed and she looked at a shadow on the door and said,
Brynn: Mommy, that looks like a cross!
Me: Yes, it does. Do you know what happened on the cross?
Brynn: (nodding) God died.
Me: That's right. Jesus died, but did He STAY dead?
Brynn: No.
Me: What happened?
Brynn: He's sposed to eat the apple and fall down dead. Then a prince sposed to come and kiss him and wake him up!

Guess I need to work on her theology!

On the same vacation, Avery asked me, "Mommy, if God sees EVERYTHING, can He see me even if I am hiding?"

I love it when I get to answer these questions and have these discussions with the girls. What a privilege!

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