Monday, August 11, 2008

Deja Vu!

Today, I walked in on Asa playing in the kitchen, and he had climbed up into our dishwasher. As if that wasn't shocking in and off itself, I had this strange feeling that I'd seen that exact same thing before. Sure enough, I pulled out Brynn's 1 year scrapbook, and there it was! Is Asa going to be as much trouble as his big sister? It sure looks that way!

Left: Brynn - 14 months; Right: Asa 10 months

1 comment:

HJW said...

Too cute...what is the attraction with kids & dishwashers...MJ LOVES climbing on the dishwasher & so did LG.

Read your school the girls dresses (frog & crayon - you really have it together, girl). Did ya'll move or paint your house?