Monday, August 11, 2008

The First Day of School

Avery and Brynn had their first day of preschool today. They both go to Ingleside Baptist, and Avery is in 4K and Brynn is in 2K. They were both very excited. I've been trying to gear them up for it all week, especially Brynn, since she still cries a little when I leave her. We've been reading The Kissing Hand before going to bed and talking about growing up and acting like a big girl. They both woke up excited and ready to go. We took their pictures and headed out. When we got there, I dropped Avery off first. She didn't give me a backward glance but went straight for the puzzles. I was heading away with Brynn, somewhat dejected if you want to know the truth, when I heard Avery scream, "Mommy, wait, you forgot to give me my kissing hand!!" I couldn't believe she remembered, and it absolutely melted my heart. Now it was Brynn's turn. She went straight inside her room, and only whimpered a LITTLE when I told her I'd see her later. By the time I got around to the viewing window to take a peek at her, she was already playing with toys and meeting new friends. I can't believe that 2 of my babies are in school. As I strolled out of the building with Asa, I was sure thankful that I still have one more to go. They just grow up so fast. I'm sure I'll be the mom at the window bawling my eyes out when my last little baby starts school. I had a nice, quiet morning cleaning the house and doing laundry while Asa napped, before I went to pick the girls up. They both had a wonderful day, and they can't wait to go back!
These 2 little girls are ready to go to school!!

Sweet sisters!! Is Mommy ready to let them grow up?

Avery is in the Friendly Frogs class, and she loves her new teacher, Mrs. Laurie. When we got home, she told me that they read The Kissing Hand at school today too!

Brynn's class is called the Colorful Crayons.
She came out saying, "I saw Mrs. Dana & Mrs. Kathy." (teachers)
Looks like everyone is off to a GREAT start!!

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