Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Best Christmas Pageant Ever

Several years ago, my good friend, Lanier Kelley, decided that she wanted her kids to be a part of a "typical" Christmas Pageant - you know the Herndon type, where kids forget their lines, angels sing at the top of their lungs, and the sheep wander off the stage. Thus began a wonderful Christmas tradition with the Kelley family and lots of our friends. The kids spend a couple of hours at Lanier's "practicing" on a Saturday afternoon, and then we all get to go back on Sunday evening for the program and a light dinner! It's funny to see how the kids have changed over the last 3 years. I remember the first year we had it, Lanier was constantly feeding the kids their lines, and coaching them with the lyrics to the songs. This year, the program was nearly flawless....making us sentimental parents realize that our babies are growing up WAY TOO FAST! This year, Avery was the "star" and had to memorize a line, and Brynn was an angel. Asa was supposed to be an animal, but he prefered just wandering on and off the stage and cheering for his sisters. Brynn spent most of the show saying "Hey, Mommy" or "Hey Daddy!" Avery said her line perfectly and loved wearing the precious star costume! What a great way to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas! I hope this tradition will continue for years to come! Lanier, you ROCK! This is one of the sweetest Christmas memories every year!

1 comment:

HappyascanB said...

This is so precious! I love love love that y'all do this! So sweet!!