Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas = FAMILY

Christmas is such a special time of year, and it means so many things to me. First of all, it means JESUS...the reason we celebrate at all! But perhaps the second most important aspect of Christmas in my eyes is FAMILY. At this wonderful time of year, we get together with all of our family at different times. It's a great time for reconnecting with those who live far away, for enjoying the company of those we see all the time, for watching cousins play together, and for relishing old traditions as well as making new Christmas memories together. The family festivities, for us, began early in the month, when we got together with the Kitchings side at Mom and Papa's house. We enjoyed a wonderful dinner, a "Dirty Santa" game, gifts to kids from the grandparents, a birthday cake for Jesus, and a surprise visit by Santa and Mrs. Claus. Great photo op!!

Our next celebration was with the Harrisons at Mom and Papa's for lunch. This gathering has truly grown over the years as we continue to add 3rd cousins to the mix. This year, Clark and Sara brought baby Harper. We had a wonderful meal, where the grandparents ate in a room with all of the little ones, and let our generation sit in the dining room at the "kids table." It was fun to catch up and have a "normal" conversation without any distractions. We have TERRIFIC parents, we know that! We also enjoyed a birthday cake for Jesus, a "Dirty Santa" game, a gift exchange with the grown ups who drew names, gifts for the kids from their grandparents, and another visit by Santa and Mrs. Claus. This particular time, Avery said, "I know you're not the REAL Santa." I asked her later why she said that, and she said it was because he didn't have a real beard. The evening ended with Grandpapa riding the kids around on his motor scooter, which was actally more exciting than SANTA....go figure!

On Christmas Eve, after going to the Family Service at Ingleside, where Avery sang with the Xtreme Praise kids, we went to Shirley and Al's with the entire "Scott" family. This is always a fun night, especially for the kids. After a wonderful dinner, the guys went downstairs to "prep," while the ladies were entertained by the children. They sang their favorite Christmas carols, acted out the Christmas story, and dramatized the 12 Days of Christmas. Then came the visit by Rock 'n' Roll Santa (played this year by Steve). He was one of the funniest ones in years with his crazy dance moves! The kids had a few wild moves of their own, especially Carson! We laughed so hard! The kids told Santa what they wanted for Christmas, and he gave out presents to the little ones, (Avery picking something we had never heard of...GREAT!) The adults exchanged their gifts as well, while trying to dodge the flying balls of wrapping paper being thrown by everyone. It's crazy with this crew, I'm tellin' ya!

On Christmas morning, Asa woke up first around 7:15, and the girls woke up around 7:45. Mom and Papa came over to watch the kids unwrap all of their stuff, and Shirley dropped by to join us for brunch as well. It was a fun Christmas for the kids, and they enjoyed opening their gifts and playing with them throughout the day. Bryan and I just enjoyed hanging out with them and watching them have fun!

Granddad, Nonna, and Uncle Jeffrey came over to our house for dinner on the 26th. We ate a great dinner with Dad's favorite Blueberry Pie for dessert, and then we opened gifts with them. Avery and Brynn loved climbing in boxes and bags and letting themselves get "unwrapped." They all enjoyed their calendars that I made for this year. (I have been making one for about 6 years now).

Last, but not least, we celebrated at Dennis and Tina's on the 27th. Tina cooked a fantastic dinner, and then we opened presents. The kids opened all of theirs first. Asa was ill because he didn't want to take turns. He just wanted to be opening up one present after the next. I guess they have to learn somehow! The adults opened presents next - a bunch from Al and Shirley, and one from the person who drew their name. There were a lot of gag gifts given...Dennis' old Umbros, Bryan's law books, 2 Brut Bottles, a pair of regifted boxers, an old game button from Bryan and Shawn's baseball days, and Bryan's flyers from when he ran for SGA President at Mercer. No wonder it took us until 10:00 to finish opening gifts! It was a fun night though, and the kids enjoyed playing with each other and with their new toys.

I am so blessed to have come from such a wonderful family, to have married into such a wonderful family, and to now have a wonderful family of my own. These people make Christmas my absolute favorite time of the year! After such a busy and fulfilling month, I feel like, "It's over...what do I do now?" But life will keep me busy enough, I'm sure.

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