Thursday, April 8, 2010

Spring Break at St. Simons

For Spring Break this year, we went to St. Simons with Grandmommy and Grandpapa. The kids loved the beach, even though the water was freezing cold. It's amazing that they will actually swim in the ocean, and then come back to the house and complain that their bath water is too cold! I just don't get it!

Every year, when we first go to the beach in the spring, I say, "This year is going to be a little bit easier," and I am saying it yet again. We were actually able to RELAX a little bit this time! Asa is no longer in that toddler phase where he wants to just run from one end of the beach to the other while one of us chases him. He played nearby in the sand with his beach toys or dug holes and was as happy as a clam. The girls played really well together and spent hours climbing on the rocks pretending to be mermaids and putting on shows for each other. Daddy walked them out to the sand bar (for the first time ever), and they thought they were something else waving back to me on shore. I took the girls' kites, and we flew them, which was fun, and all 3 kids loved building drip castles with Daddy. We went to the park at the pier several times as well, which is always a hit. I can tell we are going to have a fun summer ahead of us! Bring it on!

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